The Friends of Salem Association

Association of Supporters of Schule Schloss Salem e.V.

The Friends of Salem Association was established in 1925, five years after Kurt Hahn and Prinz Max von Baden founded Schule Schloss Salem.

Today the educational mission of the Friends of Salem Association continues to reflect that of its founder, Kurt Hahn. The concept serves to help us support projects which cannot otherwise be financed from the school's regular budget. Such projects provide a significant and positive educational foundation for life both during and after schooling, including supporting the Salem services, leisure time, lessons, natural sciences and sports activities.



Facts & Figures

  • Established: 1925
  • 226 members
  • Annual donations of approximately 50.000 € are used to invest in specific projects and equipment.
  • The Friends of Salem Association has reserved money each year for the new hockey field on campus Härlen
Britta Lebherz | Kommunikation, Fundraising, Stipendien, Geschäftsstellenleitung Friends of Salem

Britta Stocker
Office Management

Tel.: +49 7553 919-500
Send email


Contact persons
[Translate to Englisch:] Vorsitzender der Friends of Salem

Oliver Fischer | Chairman

[Translate to Englisch:] Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Friends of Salem

Michael Seitz | Vice Chairman

Britta Lebherz | Kommunikation, Fundraising, Stipendien, Geschäftsstellenleitung Friends of Salem

Britta Stocker | Office Management

[Translate to Englisch:] Schatzmeisterin der Friends of Salem

Sandra Häring | Treasurer


Till Schreiter
Andreas Zeiser-Radtke
Raimund Wilhelmi

Building Character.